Dissertation Writers: utilitarian approach Response paper….
Respond to each statement with whether you agree/disagree and include one quote and reference citation from an attached reading.
Elaborate and discuss these statements in detailed form.
Based off of the utilitarian approach, the drinking age in the U.S. should not be lowered to 18. An utilitarian has a goal to make life better and do so by increasing pleasure and happiness and decreasing pain and unhappiness. In the reading, Act and Rule utilitarianism, the author explains how the method of utilitarian works. They give the example of buying an ice cream for a party. The article explains how, “As a utilitarian, you should choose the flavor that will result in the most pleasure for the group as a whole. If seven like chocolate and three like vanilla and if all of them get the same amount of pleasure from the flavor they like, then you should choose chocolate.” With that said, majority of people in the U.S. do not think the drinking age should be lowered. Personally, I believe the drinking age should be lowered but the utilitarian approach requires you to count everyone’s opinions are the same, including your own. Not only do most people agree that the drinking age in the U.S. should not be lowered, but lowering the drinking age is proven to potentially cause extremely negative effects. For example, more drunk driving incidents or harmful effects to young adults health. This causes pain and unhappiness and the point of the utilitarian approach is to do the opposite of this. Despite my own opinion and looking at lowering the drinking age as a whole, it should be lowered due to popular opinion and the overwhelming amount of pain and unhappiness it has the potential to have.