Dissertation Writers: Recycling in an Apartment Complex

Dissertation Writers: Recycling in an Apartment Complex

The rough draft of your proposal is due now while the final draft due will be due in the upcoming weeks. See the attachments below for guidelines to ensure an A on this assignment. You will need to use your topic from the previous paper (Recycling in an Apartment Complex)

The objective of the project is to participate in the development of a detailed proposal as used in any organizational setting. Access the quick summarized preview of the Unit 5 final researched proposal checklist below so you can begin to address these items in your rough draft of the proposal due in this unit. This is in the attachments.


  • Contains no fewer than 1,500 words; no more than 3,000.
  • Clearly identifies the audience and purpose.
  • Shows research has been conducted and preliminary integration of research material is in place following APA formatted in-text citations.
  • Adheres to assigned format — single spaced, double space between paragraphs, cover page, table of contents, and references.

Include the following items in this order:

  • Cover memo or letter saying you have completed your proposal and are now submitting it-brief
  • Cover page
  • Table of contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Body of the proposal that includes subheadings
  • References page following APA
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