Dissertation Writers: understanding psychopathological behavior

Dissertation Writers: understanding psychopathological behavior

To prepare for this week’s Assignment, review the following videos in addition to this week’s assigned Reading:

In the past, a one-cause approach was more accepted to understanding psychopathological behavior. Today, it is more accepted that there are multiple causes that can explain the development of mental illness.

Explain the idea of a multi-dimensional approach and how it differs from a single approach to understanding the major causes of mental illness.

For this Assignment, you will compare and contrast the early ways of thinking about psychological disorders to today’s current view and explain the multi-dimensional model and the major approaches (theorized causes) of mental illness.

Explain the idea of a multi-dimensional approach and how it differs from a single approach to understanding the major causes of mental illness.

Submitting Your Learning Activity

Using your textbook, complete the Unit 3 Assignment Template. No more than 10% of the work should be direct quotations Complete the document in 2–3 pages, using APA writing style, and save it in a location with your first and last name in the title. When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox.

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