Dissertation Writers: Traits of Good Leadership 

Dissertation Writers: Traits of Good Leadership

As you grow and learn more about leadership, thinking about your own skill sets and goals is important. Start thinking about your own leadership goals, such as developing leadership skills, learning about specific leader characteristics, and how to develop your leadership plan. For the next few weeks, you will start to develop your own Leadership Style Action Plan, applying knowledge of leadership principles to personal and workplace situations.

Prior to starting your Leadership Style Action Plan, review the following article:

  • 23 Traits of Good Leadership

Then, respond to the following:

Be sure to provide APA citations and references to support your work.

Please submit your assignment.


Farrell, R. (2011). 23 traits of good leaders. CNN Living. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/08/03/good.leader.traits.cb/index.html.

Leadership theories. (2012). Retrieved from Leadership-central Web site: http://www.leadership-central.com/leadership-theories.html#axzz25dDjyMpa

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