Dissertation Writers:  The ethics of mentoring, Business Ethics -Are there circumstances where it would be OK to have a sexual relationship with a client

Dissertation Writers:  The ethics of mentoring, Business Ethics -Are there circumstances where it would be OK to have a sexual relationship with a client

Read this classic article on the ethics of mentoring that specifically addresses ethical issues from the perspective of the imbalance of power between the mentor (or boss) and the subordinate.

The ethics of mentoring, Business Ethics 

 Below are several ethical situations a coach may have:

a. Is it ethical to receive a “special” price for services or goods from a client or coaches?

b. Is it ethical to date a client/coaches’s sister or brother?

c. Is it ethical to buy a car from a client/coaches who owns the only dealership in the area?

d. Is it ethical to ask a client/coaches for a ride to the airport?

e. Are there circumstances where it would be OK to have a sexual relationship with a client/coaches?

When reviewing ethical situations, coaches should consider the following elements within the coaching relationship:

· How much of a power differential is there between the coach and the other person?

· Will it be brief contact or will it be continuous or episodic contact over a long time?

· Has the relationship been permanently terminated, and does the client understand that as well?

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