Dissertation Writers: the distance-learning phase at the SEA? 

Dissertation Writers: the distance-learning phase at the SEA?

How would you describe your experience during the distance-learning phase at the SEA?  The distance-learning phase at the SEA seemed pretty typical compared to most of my online learning experiences.  We had recorded video lectures and reading assignments.  We also had discussion board posts and essays.  I felt pretty confident going into the course since I recently finished my master’s degree.  I was surprised and a little frustrated with the format the SEA uses for writing essays.  It did not make sense and I felt that I was already an accomplished writer who did not need the rigid structure that the SEA employs.  I found out quickly the importance of the format, three-part communications, was to the SEA.  It came when my FA [faculty advisor] contacted me and discussed my first essay.  I received some pretty harsh feedback that focused mostly on my poor use of three-part communications.  It was pretty frustrating.  I mean, I know how to write.  I have three degrees that prove it and this guy is telling me I’m not doing it right?  Who does he think he’s talking to?  That’s when I realized my ego was getting in the way.  I decided to go ahead and follow his feedback and advice.  Sure enough, my next essay was a homerun.  From that point forward, my distance-learning experience was pretty positive.Dissertation Writers: the distance-learning phase at the SEA? Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

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