Dissertation Writers: The ability to influence and persuade others is key to success.

Dissertation Writers: The ability to influence and persuade others is key to success.

Introduction The ability to influence and persuade others is key to success. People who lack influencing skills tend to be powerless and undervalued in the workplace. The Influencing Skills Finder is useful for those of all ability levels who are interested in enhancing or accelerating their personal development at work or in their everyday lives. This assessment will highlight your influencing styles and enhance your ability to leverage them to your best advantage. In addition, you will learn to recognize a variety of influencing methods, some of which you may wish to employ in your business affairs. Those in positions of power or influence who have benefited from using this assessment include:

• Managers – both line and staff • Professionals • Consultants and advisors • Change agents and developers • Social and community workers • Teachers, lecturers and instructors • Political and community activists

By employing the easy-to-use self-assessment materials (questionnaire, scoring and categories of influencing skills), you will be able to create:

• A framework to analyze your influencing skills. • An influencing skills profile that specifically indicates how you influence others. • A plan to help you develop your ability to influence and persuade others.

The Influencing Skills Finder – A Quick Overview • The Influencing Skills Finder assessment is user-friendly. It does not require a

sophisticated understanding of applied behavioral sciences principles. • The assessment is self-scoring and offers a subjective assessment of your skills. • The scoring system does not assess the strength of influence – only the styles used. • You can expect practical, highly useful outcomes from the assessment. • This is not a measurement of your intelligence or aptitude. There are no “norm” tables –

just the six style categories, one of which will best apply to your skill set. • Once you establish your influencing style, we encourage you to create a personal action

plan. Your plan should: Set personal development objectives Identify areas where improvement is possible Establish precise behavioral goals Break down complete tasks into subtasks

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