Dissertation Writers: Solve Problem and Applications:

Solve Problem and Applications: ch 13- prob 7 [Klein Industries manufactures three types of portable air compressors] in page 451 at the end of chapter 13 in your textbook, USA 5th edition. The data is given as part of the question. There is no external data set provided. Use what is given by the problem. You need to submit a formal APA paper to explain all your findings together with your Excel Worksheet to demonstrate you have set up the Solver correctly. In the paper, you also need to explain how you set up the LP model to solve this case study.
13-7.  Klein Industries manufactures three types of portable air compressors: small, medium, and large, which have unit profits of $20.50, $34.00, and $42.00, respectively. The projected monthly sales are:
Small        Medium     Large

Minimum  14,000     6,200           2,600

Maximum  21,000    12,500        4,200

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