Dissertation Writers: Significant Values and Activities

Dissertation Writers: Significant Values and Activities

Significant Values and Activities

· Significant Values and Activities

This discussion has two parts.

Part 1: For this discussion, you should first engage in a card sorting task, using the multimedia activity introduced in the first study of this unit and linked in the Resources. This task will help you decide what’s important to you. It will help you sort out what you want to emphasize and pursue in your professional career. There will be 25 activities and values to choose from and you will narrow that pool of 25 down to five.

After you have engaged in this task, for your initial discussion post, write a paragraph listing your five most important activities and values and describing why these five activities and values are so important to you. Then write a second paragraph about how you plan to incorporate them into your life as a professional counselor. This discussion can be written in first person.

Example of this assignment

The five values that are most important to me are:

1.  Influencing people

2.  Autonomy

3. Meaningful work

4. Security

5. Personal growth

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