Dissertation Writers: sexual behavior and Culture

Dissertation Writers: sexual behavior and Culture


Emphasized throughout the lesson this week was the controversial topic of sexual behavior, specifically the varying beliefs which exist within different cultures regarding appropriateness and morality. Common to the realm of religion, politics, and education is sexual behavior, its foundation stemming from the difficulty of accepting the differences of others based upon cultural and religious perspectives. Adding to the difficulty are the different perceptions existent regarding gender-related aspects of sexuality within cultural groups. Two case studies were reviewed and consideration was given to the subjects’ specific identities related to sex, gender, and sexual orientation. Consideration was also given to personal culture regarding aspects of friendship, romantic relationships, and sexuality.


Although consideration was given to the culture for which I belong, it is important to consider the variations of beliefs within that culture as well. For instance, my traditional culture is reflective of Caribbean heritage. Adhering to Anglican beliefs, variations in sex, gender, and sexual orientation, would likely result in cultural disapproval. However, the culture of acceptance, the culture for which my family has adapted reflects the freedom to live within the realm of who the individual is in terms of sexual orientation and gender identification. Thus, adhering more to the culture of acceptance exists reflections of acceptance and in doing so understanding that although we are different, we are the same. My culture recognizes that all human beings have equal value and worth; there is no individual or group of individuals greater than the next. Such a culture of acceptance originates within the home and how individuals model behavior and acceptance. The culture of acceptance recognizes that separation from those who fall within the identification spectrum of gender related sexuality and sexual orientation does not separate them from humanity aa they are worthy of acceptance.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

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