Dissertation Writers: Select two agencies, laws, and/or regulations related to U. S. counterterrorism efforts.

Dissertation Writers: Select two agencies, laws, and/or regulations related to U. S. counterterrorism efforts.

To prepare for this Assignment:

· Review Chapter 23 in the course text Psychology of Terrorism. Consider the function and psychological impact of terrorist alerts.

· Review Chapter 27 of the course text Psychology of Terrorism reflecting on the activities and functions of the various counterterrorism agencies, as well as on the psychological impact that these activities may have on the general public.

· Review Chapters 11, 12, and 13 in the course text Terrorism and Counterterrorism. Think about the agencies, laws, and regulations discussed, how they might serve to prevent future terrorist attacks, and what their psychological impact may be on the general population.

· Select two agencies, laws, and/or regulations related to U. S. counterterrorism efforts. You may use any mentioned in the Learning Resources, or may choose others, however, be sure to select different agencies, laws, and/or regulations than you did in this week’s Discussion.

· Review the websites for the agencies, laws, and/or regulations that you selected, or research the agencies, laws, and/or regulations that you selected through other methods, focusing on their various counterterrorism efforts.

· Consider how the agencies, laws, and/or regulations that you selected might help prevent a future terrorist attack.

· Reflect on the positive and negative psychological impacts of the agencies, laws, and/or regulations on the general population.

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