Dissertation Writers: Select and provide the number for one ethical requirement that applies specifically to psychological research and briefly summarize the standard.

Dissertation Writers: Select and provide the number for one ethical requirement that applies specifically to psychological research and briefly summarize the standard.

Select and provide the number for one ethical requirement that applies specifically to psychological research and briefly summarize the standard.

Explain why this requirement may not apply to a therapy situation.

discuss individuals participating in research. When research is being conducted, it is essential that appropriate steps are taken to ensure participants participating in the research do not encounter any adverse effects and refrain from withdrawing (American Psychological Association, 2010). If the research is required as part of a course, alternative options must be offered. Although in therapy sessions, the psychologist aims to ensure no harm or adverse effects are done to the patient, the goal of conducting the research is to gain more knowledge. Attempting to keep participants from withdrawing is to aim at completing the entire experiment and receive the most data that will contribute additional information when evaluating the results. This would be different in a therapy situation as the goal of therapy is to enhance the individual’s health and well-being, eventually leading to reduced or no longer needing therapy. Therapy may be mandated and therefore there may not be an alternative option. For example, if therapy is court ordered, there may be no alternative options.

In my future career as a Guidance Counselor, there are several sections that are directly related to this career. These include Section2: Competence, Section 3: Human Relations, Section 4: Privacy and Confidentiality, Section 6: Record Keeping and Fees, Section 7: Education and Training, and Section 9: Assessments (American Psychological Association, 2010). While most of the sections in some way relate to my future career, these are the most closely related. It is essential to provide services and conduct duties that are within the scope of my competence. This is based on a number of factors including my education, training, and experience. Human Relations principles are essential to follow as it is important to refrain from harassing others including sexual harassment, discrimination, while avoiding harm to others and maintaining professional relationships. Keeping records and information private including storing and disposing information as well as maintaining confidentiality is also critical. Ongoing education and training is significant in the role of Guidance Counselor. This includes continuously striving to gain knowledge that will assist in helping students succeed while growing personally and professionally. As a Guidance Counselor, there may be times when the use of assessments will be necessary. I must ensure that the assessments used are appropriately and directly relates to the purpose for which it is being used.


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