Dissertation Writers: SCOPING THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET PLACE & ROLLING OUT THE MARKETING PLAN- Assess the scope and key concepts of international marketing.

Dissertation Writers: SCOPING THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET PLACE & ROLLING OUT THE MARKETING PLAN- Assess the scope and key concepts of international marketing.

International marketing

Purpose of this assignment

To develop knowledge and understanding to a variety of methods organisations use to coordinate their international marketing efforts. Students will critically evaluate the various challenges that organisations face when doing so.

This assignment will help them to examine the marketing efforts which are able to transcend international borders. They will explore various cultural, regulatory and political issues that exist in transferring marketing strategies into different countries and the impact it can have on both consumers and the organisation.

Assignment Description

This Assignment covers the Learning outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4.

Preparation guidelines

· The report should be grammatically correct and word processed.

· The written report must be presented in a professional manner, with FORM 1, front page, contents page, page numbering, bibliography and annexes.

· Use the Font as Arial size 11 and 1.5 line spacing.

· Identify any references and Use the Harvard referencing system.

· Complete the Form 1 page and sign the statement of authenticity.

· You will pass the assignment only if you achieve all Pass criteria. Student must provide evidence that learning outcomes of the subject have been met.

· Assignment will be checked for Plagiarism. Appropriate Actions may be taken as per College / Edexcel Plagiarism Policy.

Good practice

· Make backup of your work in different media (hard disk, memory stick etc) to avoid distress for loss or damage of your original copy.

· Make an extra hardcopy of your work submitted for your own reference or later use.


You have been hired by [UAE based organization] as a marketing consultant and they are currently thinking about expanding internationally but don’t have the international marketing knowledge. They would therefore like you to write a report for the owners, focusing on how marketing contributes to business strategies in an international context and how they can enter into international markets and be successful in these.

You will need to produce a report which includes the following:

· An introduction to the organisation.

· Use a range of sources to define international marketing and highlight the main differences to local marketing.

· Assess the scope and key concepts of international marketing.

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