Dissertation Writers: Research project – identify the problems on CTBC’s E- commerce and make adjustment

Dissertation Writers: Research project – identify the problems on CTBC’s E- commerce and make adjustment

Coursework include Marketing, Business Communication, Human Recourse Management, Data Analytics

Volunteer activities

9/2010 – 8/2012 Cathwel service (orphanage)

 Took care of the children

10/2010 – 4/2011 Flower Expo volunteer

 Guiding the tours to the right place

Professionalism exposure

6/2012 – 7/2012 Summer Intern at Ericsson Taiwan Limited

 Work with relevant PR team to analyze how the competitors of Ericsson increase their bandwidth.

Collect stats, material and content

Inform and update directors on marketing campaigns

 Compared which of the social website is more influential.

5/2014 – 8/2014 CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd

 Solving the confusion between the customers and the CTBC

 Leads the customers to get the most benefits

Research project – identify the problems on CTBC’s E- commerce and make adjustment

Good interpersonal and communication skills in meetings (efficient and effectively)

12/2017 – 1/2018 Winter Intern at Lumimore Science and Technology Co., Ltd

 Understanding the all kinds of lights ( which can save more energy)

track and repost costs and other various event statistics

reseach project – distinguish what are our weak side and who are our competitors and what we should to improve.

Prepare event stats and evaluate what the problems

Visit clients for better understand and see what we can provide and analyze what do customers really want

Skill summary

Microsoft word, power point, excel

Language: fluent in mandarin and English

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