Dissertation Writers: research-based description of a recent governmental intervention that could be characterized as detrimental to a higher education institution.

Dissertation Writers: research-based description of a recent governmental intervention that could be characterized as detrimental to a higher education institution.

Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) in which you discuss the ethical implications of higher education leaders responding to governmental interventions that could be characterized as detrimental to the institution. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A research-based description of a recent governmental intervention that could be characterized as detrimental to a higher education institution.
  2. A research-based discussion of the institution’s potential responses to the intervention and the likely consequences of each response. Is there a way to ethically oppose the intervention?
  3. A research-based discussion of the response that you identified above that is the most ethical response. Is the most ethical response also the best response for the institution in the short term? Does that response produce long-term benefits that could offset potential short-term losses?


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