Dissertation Writers: PYCL 0512 – Biographical Human Development Paper

Dissertation Writers: PYCL 0512 – Biographical Human Development Paper

PYCL 0512 – Biographical Human Development Paper

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Faculty systematically assesses each student’s progress by examining a combination of knowledge and skills. Key performance indicators are course tasks, activities, or assignments selected by faculty to assess student learning in core content areas of the counseling curriculum. Key performance indicators are measured multiple times and at different points in time during the student’s master’s program.

This course has been identified as partially fulfilling one of the eight core content areas of the counseling curriculum, Human Growth and Development. The following content area objectives are addressed within this course via the designated Key Performance Indicator task described below.

. Neurobiological and medical foundation and etiology of addiction and co-occurring disorders [CMHC 1. d.] 2. Theories of individual and family development across the lifespan [2. F. 3. a.] 3. Theories of learning [2. F. 3. b.] 4. Theories of normal and abnormal personality development [2. F. 3. c.] 5. Theories and etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors [2. F. 3. d.] 6. Biological, neurological, and physiological factors that affect human development, functioning, and behavior [2. F. 3. e., F. 3. f.] 7. Systemic and environmental factors that affect human development, functioning, and behavior [2. F. 3. e., F. 3. f.] 8. Effects of crisis, disasters, and trauma on diverse individuals across the lifespan [2. F. 3. g.] 9. A general framework for understanding differing abilities and strategies for differentiated interventions [2. F. 3. h.] 10. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for promoting resilience and optimum development and wellness across the lifespan [2. F. 3. i.]Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

Justify and provide several and relevant examples to the latter.

Students will demonstrate competency via successful completion of the following key performance indicator required task:

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