Dissertation Writers: Professional Development Plan and Professional Goals`

Dissertation Writers: Professional Development Plan and Professional Goals`

For this Assignment, use the template in this week’s Learning Resources to complete your own PDP. Keep in mind that as you progress academically and professionally, it might be necessary to modify your plan.

To complete: 

Using the template provided in the Learning Resources, complete Part 1 and Part 2 of your Professional Development Plan (PDP). Be sure to address all topics within the template, as this will help you to create a plan that cultivates your professional identity.


Professional Development Plan

Student: Maxine Roberts mcrobert@waldenu.edu

Program: PhD in Human Services

Specialization: General

Professional Development Plan

Professional Goals

Professional Introduction

Start off with a clear paragraph that describes your academic and professional goals. Include the name of your specialization, if relevant, and possible career goals and special academic interests. List past professional and personal efforts that you will likely carry into future work. This paragraph will be extremely useful to assist those assigning mentors who will guide your academic work after HUMN 6000/8000 is completed.

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