Dissertation Writers: potential improvement Discussion Board Forum 1

Dissertation Writers: potential improvement Discussion Board Forum 1

Discussion Board Forum 1 – Part 1

Critique the questions submitted by at least 3 of your classmates. The critiques must show areas of potential improvement, areas that were unclear (e.g., poor or confusing wording), and potential other questions that could be asked (you must provide at least 2 potential other questions per classmate reply). Positive comments must also be expressed. This exercise is not meant to be used as a means for “bashing” your classmates’ work; rather, it is meant to be used as an opportunity for everyone to learn from each other (i.e., act as if you are the instructor, as this is the highest level of learning).

Both parts of this assignment are due by the end of this module.  As the ability to complete this assignment hinges on the participation of your fellow learners, please make an effort to complete Part A as early in the week as possible.  This will give others ample time to give you quality feedback in the forum.

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