Dissertation Writers: organizational behavior

Dissertation Writers: organizational behavior

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

For you to response as below;

With organizational behavior it is very important to understand the relationship that exist amongst the four areas of study: psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology.  As an organizational consultant the area of study I believe I would focus on is sociology.  By evaluating the sociology first, I am first determining how an organization’s systems works, as you stated.  It is very important to understand how an organization operates and the different work processes that exist.  How an organization’s sociology exist shows the functions and how an organization is structured.  This helps to understand the psychology, social psychology, and anthropology of employees. Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

For example, I work in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at a Children’s Hospital.  The way the PICU operates of course, is to provide effective quality patient care.  Each employee plays a role in providing care to patients.  I am a PICU Unit Coordinator and part of my job is to make sure the PICU is run properly while the health care professionals (nurses and doctors) provide direct patient care.  I do everything behind the scene and help navigate patient families, while being support for the health care professionals.  My work process is to make sure that all patients are admitted/transferred/discharged, make sure that nurses are taking care of (mostly supplies and paperwork), and make sure that doctors have immediate contact with other doctors or staff.   As a consultant understanding the sociology of my job will help to understand my mindset when it come to very critical situations (psychology), how I work cohesively or non-cohesively with the the different health care professionals (social psychology), and how to handle different cultural families (social anthropology). Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

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