Dissertation Writers: MS6512 M2_A2 Page Applications in Training and Development

Dissertation Writers: MS6512 M2_A2 Page Applications in Training and Development

MS6512 M2_A2

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Needs Assessment Training and development (T&D) professionals apply the needs assessment model from the beginning of their planning efforts. For example, early in the process, it is about understanding the issues that the organization is facing and the organization’s goals; you may need to collect data to support the initial assumptions. The key to any needs assessment model is to allow the model to serve the organization and to not feel constrained to follow a systematic process. The Needs Assessment Process A typical organizational approach to the needs assessment analysis comprises these steps:

1. Perform the organizational analysis: The organizational analysis provides a broad organizational view of both systems and staff.

2. Perform the task analysis: The task analysis looks at work being done from the viewpoint of the

current knowledge, skills, and attitudes and those that are needed.

3. Determine training needs: With the help of the identified training needs, the organization can develop either on-the-job or classroom training.

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