Dissertation Writers: Monitoring Business Environment and Anticipate Change

Dissertation Writers: Monitoring Business Environment and Anticipate Change

Discuss your perceptions

Keeping Control of Cash

Supporting Activity:  After watching the video, write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:

In the video, Sir Peter Middleton related a story about how the British government in the 1970s had “fooled itself” into economic difficulty by not looking at the right measures, and then he made the following startling statement:

“… fundamentally, life is about money, and if you get that wrong, you get everything wrong.”

Do you agree or disagree with this statement, in the context of a business? Furthermore, which of Sir Middleton’s prescribed steps would be most helpful to a business that finds itself in difficulty? What examples of this can you share?

8. Watch the “Monitor Your Business Environment and Anticipate Change” video.

Supporting Activity: 

After watching the video, write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:

In the video, Paul Skinner described how Shell Oil New Zealand was able to move very quickly in implementing what had been their well-developed contingency plan once the new NZ government implemented their promised deregulation programs into the national economy. Mr. Skinner mentioned that they made progress much faster than their competitors because they had prepared detailed plans in advance, though surely their competitors were also aware of the possibility of a newly elected government that intended to deregulate certain industries.


This underscores, I think, those external force/trend areas we dealt with in Week 3, including Legal and Regulatory, Global, Economic.


As part of the Monitoring and Control phase of a company’s strategic planning efforts, how would you recommend they remain aware of what’s happening in their external environment? How should they choose which strategic contingencies to plan for?

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