Dissertation Writers: Module 3 – Coaching and Performance Management

Dissertation Writers: Module 3 – Coaching and Performance Management

Module 3 – Case

Coaching and Performance Management

Assignment Overview

Exploring Options


The purpose of the Assignment is to create a “Live Case” by experiencing the process of coaching.  Because this case is designed around experiential learning , we can go beyond the conceptual knowledge covered in the reading materials to actual skills building.  This requires putting what you are learning into immediate practice.

In this third module, you will be working with your coachee to explore options based on the coachee’s assessment of goals and current reality (as determined in Case 2).  The objective of this session is to get your coachee to commit to specific actions.  Drawing on the background reading for this and the previous modules, you will plan and carry out a coaching session that involves stage O of the GROW model.

There is a comprehensive explanation of the GROW model on the background page for Module 2. Here is a shorter synopsis:

The GROW model: A simple process for coaching and mentoring.  (2014). Mind Tools. Retrieved from www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_89.htm

The structure of the Live Case (As a reminder, each case involves three separate activities.)

Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report.

· Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages).

· Then meet with the coachee, and use your plan as a guide for the session.

· The bulk of the report is on how it went, including successes and failures.  What would you do differently next time?

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