Dissertation Writers: Is there proof that possess the skills needed to be productive in the organization within a reasonable time frame

Dissertation Writers: Is there proof that possess the skills needed to be productive in the organization within a reasonable time frame


The employment interview brings together the three components in the CSPD Professional Development model. Strong career and industry awareness (CIA) decreases interview anxiety and increases knowledge. Personal development (PD) refers to the type of self-reflection that leads to composed self-assurance in the interview. Finally, effective impression management (IM) is reflected in appropriate attire, good posture, and excellent oral communication. This packet contains information about what to expect in employment and other interviews, including pre-interview preparation, follow-up and other useful tips.

Learning Objective: Participants will listen and respond to various interview questions and assess their comfort level in a simulated group/panel interview setting.

Number of Participants: Groups of 5 – 6 students

Playing Time: 10 – 15 minutes

Materials: Envelope containing sample interview questions

Directions: To start, select one person to be the ‘Interviewer.’ The ‘Interviewer’ selects one question from the envelope and directs the question to any student in the group. Once that student responds to the question, they become the next ‘Interviewer’ and can select another student to answer a different question from the envelope. This activity will continue until all students had a chance to be the ‘Interviewer/Interviewee.’


The four major concerns behind ALL interview questions are:

a. Can you do the job? Your skills

Is there proof that possess the skills needed to be productive in the organization within a reasonable time frame? If not, is there evidence you are very likely to succeed in the job?

b. Will you do the job? Your personal attributes

Assuming you possess the skills, is there evidence that you possess the energy and determination to give 100%, or is there evidence that you will be distracted, absent, late, or otherwise not measure up?

c. Will you get along well with others? Your personal attributes

Is there evidence that you will fit in and be a team player or will you cause friction?

d. Are you manageable? Your personal attributes

Is there evidence that you will follow or support organizational policies and take direction from your manager, or fit in with the existing style of management?

The interviewer’s job is to seek evidence to support the above

Traditional Interview Questions

Selected traditional interview questions

a) Tell me a little about yourself.

b) What are your strengths?

c) What are your weaknesses?

d) How would your boss or colleagues describe you?

e) What attributes would your ideal job include?

f) Why do you want to work for us?

g) What are the two most important decisions of your life?

h) What important trends do you see in our industry?

i) What is the biggest risk you ever took?

j) Explain relational databases as if I were not computer literate.

k) Do you prefer working on a team or as an individual contributor?


Behavioral event interviewing (BEI) is an employment interview technique based on the theory that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

EXAMPLE: If your brother gets a parking ticket on nine out of the ten times he has borrowed your car, what should you expect to happen the next time you lend him your car?

What is BEI?

Popular competencies

Center for Student Professional Development | BEI workshop packet


BEI interview techniques | Revised 2014 | BA2101 2

a) Self-awareness

b) Team orientation

c) Flexibility

d) Commitment to personal growth

e) Judgment

f) Leadership

g) Creativity

h) Communication – oral/written

i) Problem solving ability

j) Technical skills

k) Project management skills

l) Business insight

m) Customer focus

n) Professional growth

o) Acting with integrity

p) Multi-tasking / time management

Match the following BEI questions with the competency
1. Tell me about a team project that didn’t work out as you had planned.
2. Tell me about the toughest challenge or biggest failure you’ve faced. How did you handle it?
3. Can you give me an example of things that would have not gotten done had you not intervened to get the ball rolling?
4. Give me an example of when your creative use of technology solved a problem.
5. Describe a time you worked with someone who wasn’t pulling his/her weight.
6. Describe a time when you needed to consider a range of options before zeroing in on a solution.
7. Tell me about a time you had to understand a new environment, team or organization.  How did you get up to speed?
8. Describe a time when you didn’t get along with a team member. How did you ensure your team goals were met?
9. Tell me about a time when you took a strong stand on an issue you felt was important to your company, group or project. How did you convince them that your idea was the right one to adopt?
10. Tell me about a time when you were unable to complete a project on time.
11. Tell me about a time you used data to prove a point.

What is the STAR technique?

The STAR technique is an easy to use format for answering questions and providing evidence about your skills and attributes. Using STAR will help you prove you possess the competencies for which the interviewer will probe.


situation = the set-up or story


task = what needed to be done


action = what did YOU do?


response = the result

Rate the following responses as either S, T, A, or R

1. Once I joined the membership committee, I worked actively to increase membership and participation by more than 50%. R
2. Working on that project helped me sharpen my skills in accessing resources. Overall, I learned that there are a variety of ways to meet objectives and that they don’t always include money.
3. Before every weekly team meeting I e-mailed the other three team members to remind them of our upcoming meeting date and time.
4. I developed the flyers, composed e-mail and sent it out over the listserv. As primary contact person, I also worked closely with the treasurer to confirm reservation payments, develop the RSVP list and create an Excel file to track replies.
5. For my Marketing class project, I was faced with the challenge of persuading my team members to profile a consumer products company rather than a financial services company.
6. In order to combat some of the negative perceptions of our organization, company, me, I created incentives to encourage students to return and entice new members to join.

Besides the usual – know the three C’s…

· Company industry |and core competency


· Competitors

The 3 step close…

Ask for business card | shake hand and thank interviewer | Ask “When will you be making your decision?”, or “When should I expect to hear from you?”

Happy endings – thank you note – whether e-mail, snail mail, handwritten, typed…send it within 24 hours of your interview!

Worth repeating…

a) Do your homework – being prepared diminishes anxiety.

b) Dress for the occasion, shake hands firmly and maintain eye contact.

c) Be confident – composure in the business world is crucial.

d) Ask questions – prepare a list.

e) Be specific about the impact or difference you have made.

BEI ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS: Select one BEI question (page 4) and develop a STAR response.

Submissions must be typed and completed using BEI STAR Template located within the Course Documents folder on Blackboard.

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