Dissertation Writers: incorporate key elements required in your role as an emerging professional in the field of psychology

Dissertation Writers: incorporate key elements required in your role as an emerging professional in the field of psychology

PSY 560 Final Project

Overview The final project for this course incorporates key elements required in your role as an emerging professional in the field of psychology: demonstrate an in-depth

knowledge of the subject matter of psychology; provide a nuanced, critical analysis of this subject matter; and illustrate the theory’s relevance in the field by

defending its use for real-world problems.

You will accomplish these tasks in the final project by producing a theoretical analysis in which you develop and support a position statement regarding the ways

the theory you select fits into the larger scope of personality theory. To this end, you will argue the use of your theory in a contemporary theoretical context. To

accomplish this, you will do the following: provide a detailed description of a selected theory using appropriate source material as the basis of your description;

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