Dissertation Writers:  Identify Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals

Dissertation Writers:  Identify Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals

 Identify Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals

Now that you’ve identified the key facts about your organization, turn your attention to your organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals. Taken together, these elements can help drive organizational decisions, positively impact employee performance, and influence many of the other organizational components you’ll be examining for this report.

The mission, vision, values, and goals should be reviewed periodically to determine whether adjustments are needed in light of key environmental factors or changes in the organization’s performance or capacity.

Follow the steps below to analyze your organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals:

· Find your organization’s mission and look at whether and how it has changed over time. If it has changed, what process changed it?

· Analyze the extent to which your organization’s mission (1) is well understood, (2) continues to inform key decisions, and (3) is well aligned with what the organization is actually doing.

· If your organization does not have a formal mission statement, read deducing a mission.

· Analyze your organization’s vision and core values. Consider whether the vision and core values are in alignment with and supportive of the organization’s mission. Are the vision and core values widely understood and accepted within the organization?

· If you cannot find formal statements about your organization’s vision or core values, read Deducing Vision and Core Values.

· Next, determine whether your organization practices strategic goal setting. Analyze whether these goals are explained clearly and whether they make sense given the organization’s mission, vision, and values. In other words, look for alignment of mission, mission, values, and goals.

When you have completed Step 3, submit your organizational overview and fact sheet and your organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals for review and feedback in the dropbox located in the last step of this project.

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