Dissertation Writers: IB 310-O Summer 201 With the help of an example discuss the characteristics of globalization.

Dissertation Writers: IB 310-O Summer 201 With the help of an example discuss the characteristics of globalization.

IB 310-O Summer 201 Midterm Exam

Instructions: Respond to the essay question in one Word document with a cover page including your name, course number and name, and date. Use 12 point, Times New Roman font with 1” margins, double spaced. This is a take home, open book exam. However, it is not “open friend.” Please do not collaborate on the exam. It is to be only your work. If you cite sources, be sure to cite them in either APA or MLA format in a formal reference page. The exam will be due via email no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 26, 2017.

With the help of an example discuss the characteristics of globalization. (1)

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