Dissertation Writers:  HRMD 650 9042 Organizational Development and Change (2185)

Dissertation Writers:  HRMD 650 9042 Organizational Development and Change (2185)

HRMD 650 9042 Organizational Development and Change (2185)

This assignment is worth 24% of your final grade and addresses Course Objectives 4 and 5.  It gives you an opportunity to evaluate theories and models and identify barriers to change.  You must complete this assignment individually, without contacting other students, and you may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class or from another person.  If you have questions about this assignment, please post them in the Ask the Professor discussion forum so that everyone can benefit from the answers.

Below are some of the OD concepts and theories we have discussed so far:

  • Planned change theories
  • OD diagnostic processes
  • OD interventions
  • Change management
  • Internal and external consultants
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