Dissertation Writers: How would you describe your primary methods of learning in your personal educational pursuits outside of the military?

Dissertation Writers: How would you describe your primary methods of learning in your personal educational pursuits outside of the military?

How would you describe your primary methods of learning in your personal educational pursuits outside of the military?  My personal education has also been a mix of classroom and online learning.  I started going to college in a traditional setting.  I struggled to focus on my educational goals, so I joined the Navy hoping to get a little more focused.  After joining the Navy, I tried to continue with college in a traditional classroom setting but never really enjoyed it.  It was not until I transferred schools into an online program that I truly started to enjoy learning.  The flexibility and autonomy that come with an online program appeals to me.  At that point, I decided to pursue most of my college education in an online setting.Dissertation Writers: How would you describe your primary methods of learning in your personal educational pursuits outside of the military?Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

Please read the assigned Case and answer the questions relating to the topic covered in the case (Case 10.1 Questionable Discharge). Please prepare a 2-page, typed summary, fully addressing all of the questions and fully supporting their views with the appropriate references. Please label each question that you are answering

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