Dissertation Writers: How might American history have been different had the events of the Philippine American War been recognized and studied rather than hidden, denied and revised?

Dissertation Writers: How might American history have been different had the events of the Philippine American War been recognized and studied rather than hidden, denied and revised?

What were the various reasons portrayed in the film as to why Americans favored America’s  entrance into the Imperial Age? Who opposed America’s foray into Imperialism and why?

What role did world events, i.e., actions and/or inactions of the Empires of Europe, have on America’s entrance into war with Spain? How was America’s involvement in Cuba both similar and different than our involvement in the Philippines?

What have you learned about the Spanish American War and the Philippine “Insurgency” that you did not know before? How might American history have been different had the events of the Philippine American War been recognized and studied rather than hidden, denied and revised? Explain your answer.

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