Dissertation Writers- How Hollywood Vilifies the People

Dissertation Writers- How Hollywood Vilifies the People


The purpose of our online discussions forums is to foster further understanding of the course material and to generate productive conversations. You can also think of your posts as a chance to practice the kind of thinking and writing you will be asked to do in your midterm and final exams. Since this is a hybrid course, our online discussion forums are an especially important space that we will use to supplement our in-class work. You can expect that we will often continue the conversations that begin in our online discussion forums in class, and vice versa.

Completing your online discussion forum post involves two steps:

  • First, you should write a post of at least 500 words in response to the prompt, which will be different each week. (Scroll down to find this week’s prompt.) Please note that you will always need to do the assigned reading and/or film viewing BEFORE writing your post. A successful post will reference specific examples from the assigned material and from our discussions, as applicable. However, rather than just summarize, the prompts will ask you to contribute original reactions, ideas, and questions to our conversations. Your post needs to be up by 1:00PM in order to be considered on time.
  • Second, you should respond to two posts written by your peers. (Please note that you will only be able to see other posts after you submit your own.) Your responses should each be at least 150 words and should follow the guidelines for productive classroom dialogue and “netiquette” that are outlined in our syllabus. Some suggested strategies you may use in your response include providing a personal reaction, bringing up a point of agreement or disagreement, asking a clarifying question, or thinking of an additional example that further proves or complicates what your peer has said. The purpose of this step is to allow our forums to be an interactive space where we talk to each other rather than at each other and are able to meet our learning outcome of building knowledge collaboratively. Your responses need to be up by 2PM on the day your post is due in order to be considered on time.

Please note that you must complete steps 1 and 2 in order for your assignment to be considered complete. You can find more information on how to write successful online discussion forum posts at the two links below. Please look at these resources carefully, as they provide very useful strategies you can use to improve your grade:


Your online discussion forum posts are worth 100 points each (out of a total 1000 points for the course). They will be assessed according to the attached rubric. Please submit your posts on time so that we can use them as launching pads for our class discussions. Two points will be deducted for each day of lateness. Please note that I only grade these once, meaning you may not resubmit these for a better grade and you may not ask me to change your grade to accommodate late responses to other posts.


The purpose of this prompt is to allow you to think critically AND creatively about the 50-minute film ““Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People,” which is posted on our Canvas homepage under the date Fri. 6/22. After you watch the film, write critically and creatively about what you just saw by writing a response to the film that repeats the following phrases: “I see…” “I think…” and “I feel…” as many times as possible.

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