Dissertation Writers: How has the decline of immigration from Mexico impacted the U.S. economy?”

Dissertation Writers: How has the decline of immigration from Mexico impacted the U.S. economy?”

1) Choose a ONE of the following topics that is relevant to this class:

a. Gender inequality

b. Race/ethnicity

c. Poverty

d. Globalization

e. Population

f. Immigration

2) Choose a question that relates to this topic within the course:

a. Example question addressing the course concept, gender inequality: “Since women in the United States now do not have access to free birth control, what has been the impact of this policy change?”

b. Example question addressing the course concept, race/ethnicity: “How has policy concerns regarding gun control affected minority populations in the United States?”

c. Example question addressing the course concept, population: “Since the “one-child” policy in China is no longer in place, what has been its impact on Chinese culture?

d. Example question addressing the course concept, immigration: “How has the decline of immigration from Mexico impacted the U.S. economy?”

3) Identify THREE different sources that you can use to answer your question.

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