Dissertation Writers: How did Augustus maintain a façade of power?

Dissertation Writers: How did Augustus maintain a façade of power?

1.What was the Bona Dea incident? How did Cicero play a part in this affair and how did Julius Caesar feel about it? What was the long term outcome considering Clodius’s career and its impacts on Cicero? Answer in at most 250 words. Going over the word limit ensures a -1/3 penalty.

2.What are some traits and events associated with Livia? Discuss specific examples from your documentary and lecture. Answer in at most 250 words. Going over the word limit ensures a -1/3 penalty.

3.How did Augustus maintain a façade of power? Give specific examples from lecture and the documentaries we watched. Answer in at most 250 words. Going over the word limit ensures a -1/3 penalty.


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