Dissertation Writers: How, according to Foucault, is power exercised in the nebula of social relationships and contexts?

Dissertation Writers: How, according to Foucault, is power exercised in the nebula of social relationships and contexts?

According to Marx, what is the relationship between religious and socioeconomic activity? What role does religion play for human beings within such activity? Why does Marx think that any critique of religion must also include social and economic critique?

Compare and contrast Marx and Freud. What similarities do you see among their respective theories of religion? What differences to you see?

What is Gramsci’s concept of hegemony? How can the practice of religion in the contemporary world by understood in these terms?

What, for Althusser, is ideology, and what are ideological state apparatuses? In what sense can religion be understood in terms of ideology and ideological state apparatuses?

How, according to Foucault, is power exercised in the nebula of social relationships and contexts? How does the notion of the panopticon illustrate his points?

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