Dissertation Writers: History of the DSM

Dissertation Writers: History of the DSM

History of the DSM

It is important to understand that the diagnostic scheme is dynamic and constantly revised and refined. Let’s take a look at the time line of the DSM.

1952: The first version of the DSM was published and listed 106 mental disorders.

1968: The DSM-II was published and listed 182 mental disorders.

1980: The DSM-III was published and listed 265 mental disorders. A major shift in theoretical orientation of the DSM occurred with the publication of the DSM-III. The first two editions were heavily influenced by the psychoanalytic tradition. The third edition removed much of the theoretical references and defined disorders in operational terms. This increased the acceptance of the DSM by a wide audience of mental health professionals.

1987: A revision of the DSM-III (DSM-III-R) was published and contained 292 mental disorders.

1994: The DSM-IV was published and listed 297 mental disorders. This edition introduced a multiaxial system of classification.

2000: The DSM-IV’s text revision (DSM-IV-TR) was published, which had revisions and clarifications of all of the same disorders as in the DSM-IV.

2013: The DSM-5 was published. This most recent version of the DSM includes approximately the same number of disorders as the DSM-IV-TR. However, some new disorders were added and outdated ones were removed.

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