Dissertation Writers: FEMA’s capabilities. Choose one area of change, and write a two page analysis of the change and describe how it will improve FEMA’s capabilities. 

Dissertation Writers: FEMA’s capabilities. Choose one area of change, and write a two page analysis of the change and describe how it will improve FEMA’s capabilities.

2 at the end of Chapter 15, “Making the Business  Decision (Breaking Even),” and answer the following questions. Respond  substantively to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

  1. Do you think Ms. Chen should open the pastry shop, and what advice would you give her?
  2. What is her break-even point?In the Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, Federal Emergency Management Policy Changes After Hurricane Katrina: A Summary of Statutory Provisions (2006), eight areas are identified for policy changes to improve

    FEMA’s capabilities. Choose one area of change, and write a two page analysis of the change and describe how it will improve FEMA’s capabilities.

    Paper format: title page, body (two pages), and reference page. Format the paper and references in APA style (6th ed.).

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