Dissertation Writers: Explore the design options that are available for creating an effective DMZ.

Dissertation Writers: Explore the design options that are available for creating an effective DMZ.

Network Segmentation and Isolation

Networks have characteristics that make it desirable to implement segmentation and isolation strategies. These same strategies that help to improve the functionality of the network are also useful in improving the security profile of the network. Identify a network to which you can apply these concepts.

Complete the Toolwire lab and use it as foundation for this assignment. When submitting your assignment, attach the two screen shots you were asked to capture as part of the lab to this assignment to document successful completion of the lab.

Use the Toolwire lab and the study materials and engage in any additional research needed to fill in knowledge gaps. Write a 2–3 page paper that covers the following topics:

  • Create a network diagram using an appropriate network diagramming software.
  • Apply isolation and segmentation strategies to secure network design.
  • Apply border security controls as part of a secure network design.
  • Explore the design options that are available for creating an effective DMZ.
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