Dissertation Writers: explanation regarding how assessments such as the Gender Traits Test relate to alpha and beta errors

Dissertation Writers: explanation regarding how assessments such as the Gender Traits Test relate to alpha and beta errors

Take the Gender Traits Test in this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on your results.

· Based on the results and on information presented in this week’s Learning Resources, think about how these results may minimize or exaggerate differences between masculine and feminine traits. Examine Figure 4.1 in your course text for a visual representation of the distribution of differences.

By Day 4

Post an explanation regarding how assessments such as the Gender Traits Test relate to alpha and beta errors. Does this type of assessment overemphasize or minimize differences between masculine and feminine traits? What possible impact might this type of assessment have on research related to gender? (Note: You should not disclose your own test score.)

Readings for this week discussion question; Helgeson, V. S. (2017). Psychology of gender (5th ed.). New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.

  • Chapter      4, “Sex-Related Comparisons: Observations” (pp. 121–154)

Hare-Mustin, R. T., & Marecek, J. (1987, August). Gender and the meaning of difference: Alpha and beta bias. In R.T. Hare-Mustin & J. Maracek (Chairs), The future of difference: Representations of gender in psychology. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY. Symposium contribution retrieved from the ERIC database

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