Dissertation Writers: Explain what type of professional(s) you would need to contact for consultation (but you do not need to actually obtain a consultation

Dissertation Writers: Explain what type of professional(s) you would need to contact for consultation (but you do not need to actually obtain a consultation

The Assignment (3–4 pages):

Using the ethical decision-making model, write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you:

  • Describe your selected ethical event or issue related to working within a family system. Be concise yet specific about the ethical issues present.
  • Explain how you, as a professional, would resolve the dilemma using the steps of the ethical decision-making model. Use the NOHS standards as your relevant code of ethics to clarify the dilemma. For the step regarding consultation, explain what type of professional(s) you would need to contact for consultation (but you do not need to actually obtain a consultation for the purposes of this Assignment).
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