Dissertation Writers: Explain the social and intellectual effects of democracies.
- Describe the ‘state of nature’ according to Hobbes. What aspects of human nature make this social condition unavoidable? Explain Locke’s depiction of the ‘state of nature,’ and its main points of differentiation with Hobbes. Which do you find more convincing?
- Identify and explain the four functions of ideologies. Draw upon at least one theorist discussed in the modules to illustrate your understanding of these concepts.
- Identify and explain the main characteristics of classical (Burkean) conservatism. Select two contemporary variations of conservatism and identify the similarities and differences with classical conservatism.
- Drawing on Mill and de Tocqueville, explain the social and intellectual effects of democracies. Why do democratic societies tend towards social conformity and intellectual mediocrity? How can these negative effects be minimized or avoided?
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