Dissertation Writers: Explain the differences between the ethical standards for clients being treated by psychologists in counseling sessions and the standards for conducting psychological research with human participants.

Dissertation Writers: Explain the differences between the ethical standards for clients being treated by psychologists in counseling sessions and the standards for conducting psychological research with human participants.

Explain the differences between the ethical standards for clients being treated by psychologists in counseling sessions and the standards for conducting psychological research with human participants.

To answer this question, it would help to understand what they both have in common before answering the difference. Both research and psychologist have to have informed consent. Either the client or subject has to be informed about the form of therapy or what to expect during research. They also have to be informed of any possibility of harm to themself, if they are being recorded or video taped. Another similarities that they share is animity. Clients or participant in a research study have the right to stay anonymous.
The two differences is that in research is that they may offer inducements for participating in the research. If this is the case they can not make to excessive. Where are in therapy it is the client that pays.
Reading the APA the line under principle one where it states “Take care to do not harm” speaks to all the rules through out the APA. All these rules are in place to protect everyone be it a client or a participant in a study.

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