Dissertation Writers: Explain the Anti-Federalist versus Federalist argument regarding the size and scope of government – explain how each camp deals with the issue of preserving liberty; i.e., how did their respective solutions differ?  

Dissertation Writers: Explain the Anti-Federalist versus Federalist argument regarding the size and scope of government – explain how each camp deals with the issue of preserving liberty; i.e., how did their respective solutions differ?

What were the differences between the Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, and Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)? 

What are the basic principles embodied in the Constitution?

How can each Branch check the power of the other two Branches?  Can you provide some examples?

Explain how Madison dealt with the concept of factions.  Why were factions a problem? What was Madison’s Constitutional solution?

Explain the Anti-Federalist versus Federalist argument regarding the size and scope of government – explain how each camp deals with the issue of preserving liberty; i.e., how did their respective solutions differ?




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