Dissertation Writers: Explain how systems (e.g., individuals, social networks, organizations,and communities) may be viewed as systems within systems in the analysis of public health problems.

Dissertation Writers: Explain how systems (e.g., individuals, social networks, organizations,and communities) may be viewed as systems within systems in the analysis of public health problems.


The ability to recognize system level properties that result from dynamic interactions among human and social systems and how they affect the relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and environments.

Identify characteristics of a system.

Identify unintended consequences produced by changes made to a public health system.

Provide examples of feedback loops and “stocks and flows” within a public health system.

Explain how systems (e.g., individuals, social networks, organizations,and communities) may be viewed as systems within systems in the analysis of public health problems.

Explain how systems models can be tested and validated.


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