Dissertation Writers: Explain how human resource department is a critical element and an important strategic component of the organization’s success

Dissertation Writers: Explain how human resource department is a critical element and an important strategic component of the organization’s success

Explain how human resource department is a critical element and an important strategic component of the organization’s success

The human resource department is a critical element and an important strategic component of the organization’s success. This is because it deals with a company’s most important asset; the employees (Bratton & Gold, 2017). For purposes of completing this task as part of my final portfolio project, I chose to interview an HR manager employed at Hall Ambulance Service in Bakersfield, California. Her name is Anna Aguilera. We have been friends for a while, and she has been my co-worker for the last few years. She started working with the company in 2014 as an HR assistant and was promoted to manager in 2015. Her duties include collecting data, organizing and entering the information regarding employees’ who call in sick, take disability or other types of leave, vacation, and no-shows. She is also involved with the strategic decision making of the organization. Other roles include interacting and collecting employee feedback on pertinent company concerns, advocating for employees within top management and conflict resolution among others. The company’s strategy is to identify and provide direction to the staff on the activities, initiatives, functions, and programs needed to achieve the best services for the community.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form. To achieve the purpose of the portfolio project specific questions have been selected for the interview in order to obtain information that uncovers the current alignment of the human resource department with the organizational goals.Justify and provide several and relevant examples to the latter.

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