Dissertation Writers: Evil being Hitler of course and the U.S. being the saviour of the world.

Dissertation Writers: Evil being Hitler of course and the U.S. being the saviour of the world.

How the allies, lead by the United States of course, went on to achieve victory and defeat evil. Evil being Hitler of course and the U.S. being the saviour of the world. It’s how I learned it, my parents learned it, and even my grandparents came to a believe this even if they were alive at those moments. What I mean by that last statement is the curious fact that my grandfather in the 50’s had a different perspective on World War 2 which led him to leave the country and move to Mexico. But at the end of his life he share the same story we had, which leaves me to believe that the repetition of a lie or a partial truth can overcome your own truth. Speaking about perspectives, World War 2 is said to have started in September 1939 when Germany invades Poland. But other possible dates that mark the start of the war could be  Japan invaded manchuria in 1931 or in 1937 when japan invaded China and didn’t stop fighting until 1945. It seems that even the inception of a war is up to perspective.

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