Dissertation Writers: evaluate physical hazards in the workplace: dynamometer, accelerometer, and goniometer.

Dissertation Writers: evaluate physical hazards in the workplace: dynamometer, accelerometer, and goniometer.


The questions have essay requirements associated with them.  They should be written in a “scholarly” way.   A scholarly written response begins with an introductory sentence that restates the question or defines what you are writing about; next the essay addresses the question or problem; then closes with a conclusion and a proper APA reference.

Summarize the three readings that are used for the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) evaluation of thermal stress in the workplace. Explain what each of the three measurements assesses about thermal stress and discuss how the readings are evaluated using the two WBGT formulae.  Your answer must be a minimum of 100 words in length.

Provide a definition and a brief explanation of each of the following meters, and detail how each meter might be used to evaluate physical hazards in the workplace: dynamometer, accelerometer, and goniometer.  Your answer must be a minimum of 100 words in length.

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