Dissertation Writers: Environmental Studies/Environmental Science

Dissertation Writers: Environmental Studies/Environmental Science

Environmental Studies/Environmental Science Assignment 2 Compare Articles The issue of global warming remains the most important problem facing the biosphere eclipsing all others and requiring a broad range of responses by humans that challenge the very way we define economics and progress. Environmental scientists generally agree on the scale, pace and intensity of the problem but not on the solutions. Policy makers must devise an international system that will reduce the most prevalent greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide in a short period of time. The suggestions made so far do not follow a “command and control” model but offer instead market-friendly solutions. Two of these are a) the “cap and trade” system whereby carbon emissions can be traded in a free market and gradually reduce the production of the gas, and b) a carbon tax that would use the market to accelerate carbon gas reductions in an environment where the costs of emissions would be graduated upward to affect the largest producers. In the articles provided here the two perspectives are given an examination that advocate for one or the other or even both

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