Dissertation Writers: Effects of World War II to Japan included loss of human lives and civil destruction.

Dissertation Writers: Effects of World War II to Japan included loss of human lives and civil destruction. 

The World War II led to the destruction of properties and loss of Chinese lives. A lot of people were raped due to brutality from the troops engaged in the war. The relationship between Japan and China was also destroyed. The war destroyed social structures because many families were disintegrated during that time. Adolf Hitler was a German revolutionary leader who sparked off World War II, and his presence dictated a lot of significant events throughout the war. On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked U.S Navy at Pearl Harbor, a fact that led to a retaliatory attack by the U.S which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thousands of people were killed by the atomic bombs that America used to attack Nagasaki and Hiroshima (Nguyen Ngoc, 2018). The attack from the United States made Japan to surrender the war.  Particularly, effects of World War II to Japan included loss of human lives and civil destruction. Many victims both in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still affected by the incident. As such, some of their organs have been damaged, and the effects of the bombings were passed down to their offspring.

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