Dissertation Writers: discuss the scientific foundation and key concepts that describe the patterns and processes of Earth’s natural systems.

Dissertation Writers: discuss the scientific foundation and key concepts that describe the patterns and processes of Earth’s natural systems.

Global Awareness – Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the scientific information and key concepts that underlie the functioning of natural systems with an emphasis on the interrelatedness of these systems with each other and human societies, as well as the negative impacts of environmental degradation on both.

  • discuss the scientific foundation and key concepts that describe the patterns and processes of Earth’s natural systems.
  • discuss Awareness of the interrelationship of human activities and natural systems.
  • discuss use scientific knowledge together with prior knowledge to engage in critical thinking about environmental issues arising from the interrelationship between human societies and natural systems.
  • Assessments for Global Awareness will include a computer based formative assessment activity and in-class exams.


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