Dissertation Writers: Discuss the idea of a midlife crisis in terms of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes in middle adulthood.

Dissertation Writers: Discuss the idea of a midlife crisis in terms of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes in middle adulthood.

After completing the readings in Unit 6 and further researching the topic, post a two-paragraph response to the following:

Is there such a thing as a midlife crisis? Discuss the idea of a midlife crisis in terms of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes in middle adulthood. Also:

  • If you believe there is such a thing as a midlife crisis, what developmental changes in middle adulthood might be the cause? Why do some middle-aged people experience it and others do not?
  • If you do not believe that a midlife crisis exists, explain why you think this myth perpetuates in our society. What developmental changes (or perhaps stages, i.e. Erikson or Maslow) might be mistaken for a midlife crisis?

Please make sure that your discussion comments abide by the Netiquette policy outlined in the syllabus.


elect a school to visit. Before you visit the school review the information on school culture and review the two sample school questionnaires to design your questions. Arrange to talk with at least two teachers and if possible the principal. Design a presentation about what you learned about the school culture. Be sure to give specific examples to support your conclusions. After learning about the school culture, what strategies would you use to enter the school keeping in mind the school culture. do a power point with notes. Be sure to cite sources from your readings to support your ideas. Use APA format. Use attached document as a guide for the questions and the grading rubic. Thank you so much.

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