Dissertation Writers:  Discuss the fashionable images created by and for Augustus, a  Julio-Claudian emperor of your choosing, and Vespasian.

Dissertation Writers:  Discuss the fashionable images created by and for Augustus, a  Julio-Claudian emperor of your choosing, and Vespasian.

You  are Ionna Flumina, the premiere authority on Roman fashion and  celebrity in the city of Rome. You are being interviewed about your  career and the Roman emperors you grew to know throughout your career.  Discuss the fashionable images created by and for Augustus, a  Julio-Claudian emperor of your choosing, and Vespasian. What image did  they present through their fashionable portraits and monuments (like the  Ara Pacis), why did they “fashion” these images of themselves to appear  the way they do, and how does this compare to what you as Ionna Flumina  would know about their personal lives from conversations with friends  that would later help Suetonius write his history?

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